Civil law
Areas of civil law:
Property, easements, drafting of contracts, leases, family, personal and inheritance law, etc.
Banking law:
Preferential subscriptions, Bankia shares, financial swaps, floor clauses, cost recovery, mortgage foreclosures, etc.
detailed services:
- Property (Claims and Demarcations). Co-ownership (Extinction of co-ownership. Rights and Obligations of co-owners). Horizontal Property (Fees. Works on common elements. Problems with parking spaces. Management of the governing bodies of the Community of Owners).
- Easements: Constitution and extinction of easements (of passage, lights and views…).
Advice and drafting of contracts: Claims for non-compliance or defective performance. Quantity claims. Compensation for damages. In particular, construction contracts and construction defects. - Leases: Advice and drafting of lease contracts for housing and business premises. Rights and obligations of landlord and tenant (repair works, deposit – deposit in official organizations – income). Need for housing by the landlord. Expirations and extensions. Eviction procedures. Eviction between co-heirs, among others.
- Family law: Separations and divorces. Parent-child relationships. Liquidation of the matrimonial property regime.
- Personal law: Incapacitation procedures. Appointment/revocation of guardian.
- Inheritance law: Disinheritance. Legitimate succession. Usufruct of the widowed spouse. Intestate succession. Declaration of intestate heirs. Acceptance and hate to heritage. Acceptance of inheritance for the benefit of inventory. Legacies. Partition of the inheritance (Judicial partition procedure, by common agreement by the heirs or through an accountant-partier). Inheritance debts.
- Specialties of Galician Law in matters of succession: Will “from one to the other”. Separation. Improvement pact. Universal usufruct of the widowed spouse. Division of inheritance “by majority”.
- Property Registry and Cadastre. Registration procedures before the Property Registry in the absence of deeds. Cancellation of loads.
- Civil liability.
- Civil and mortgage processes.
- Personal data protection.
- Quantity claims.
- Protection of fundamental rights of people.
- Intellectual Property Rights.
Legal services in Banking Law:
We are talking about an area of law that is within civil law but due to its permanent relevance and impact on both companies and individuals, it must be addressed in a particular way and attended by professionals who are experts in banking law:
- Preferred shares: Exercising the pertinent legal actions aimed at obtaining the nullity of the subscription of preferred shares.
- Bankia SharesStudy of the advisability of accepting the bank’s offer.
- Financial swaps (Swaps): Exercise of judicial actions aimed at obtaining the nullity of these contracts.
- Floor clauses: Representation, both of individuals and SMEs, in order to obtain the annulment of these clauses and their retroactive application, according to the latest doctrine of the Supreme Court.
- Cost recovery: Recovery of the costs borne at the time of the constitution of housing mortgages, related to Notary, Registry and Documented Legal Acts.
- Foreclosures: At the point where the entity decides to file legal action.
Family right:
Within Civil Law we find a specialty to which, due to its importance, we have to make its own section. Well, in itself it is a specialty of law and of our office.
Family law regulates personal and property relationships between spouses, as well as filial maternal-paternal relationships in relation to minors after separation or divorce. These are some of the efforts we carry out from our law firm.
- Separations and Divorces by mutual agreement.
- Separations and contentious divorces.
- De facto couples.
- More Uxorio Procedures: Measures in relation to minor children when no marriage has been celebrated.
- Modification of definitive measures adopted in relation to minors (shared custody and custody; modification of alimony; modification of visitation regime, etc.);
- Suspension/deprivation of parental rights.
- Incapacitation of the minor and extension of parental authority.
- Visitation rights of grandparents.
- Liquidation of the economic regime of a community property.
- Liquidation of assets under co-ownership (extinction of co-ownership).
Rustic and Urban Leases:
Another area, to be mentioned in a separate section, within civil law, due to its importance and permanent appearance in the media, are both Rural and Urban leases.
In the case of rural leases, we are talking about land that is considered outside urban limits whose exploitation is conceived for agricultural, livestock or forestry purposes in exchange for a certain capital, within the limits set by the agreement between the parties.
Regarding urban leases, it is worth distinguishing those whose objective is to cover the need for permanent housing, and those whose nature is different from this purpose, such as rental for commercial purposes.
In both cases, it is essential to have the help of specialist lawyers who explain each of the steps to follow during the leasing process. We put the following services at your disposal:
- Drafting of lease contracts.
- Procedures on urban and rural leases before the competent courts.
- Unpaid rent claim.
Inheritance and donations law:
We will advise you on the current inheritance regime in relation to the rights that are transmitted when a person close to you dies. We will also help you if you want to donate all or part of your assets and we will advise you on the implications inherent in receiving of any donation.
Your interests will be protected as far as inheritances and donations are concerned, leaving their management and processing in the hands of our lawyers: given the obligation to settle taxes in these cases, the figure of expert professionals in the matter seems fundamental in the preparation and presentation of the same, according to the place of residence of the deceased or, failing that, where the assets to be transferred are located.
We are specialists in:
- Provisions of acts of last will.
- Declaration of heirs, intestate, notarial and in court.
- Acceptance and award of inheritance.
- Resignation.
- Partitional operations.
- Inheritance and donation tax settlement.
- Counter-Divider Functions.